Parent Resources
Family Partnership Agreement
Athletics & Health Forms
Parent Rights
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 115C-76.25, a parent has the following legal rights regarding their child's education:
The right to consent or withhold consent for participation in reproductive health and safety education programs, consistent with the requirements of G.S. 115C-81.30. The School will provide parents with a consent form prior to such programming.
The right to seek a medical or religious exemption from immunization requirements, consistent with the requirements of G.S.130A-156 and G.S. 130A-157. Please consult the Family Handbook for this information.
The right to review statewide standardized assessment results as part of the State report card. The School will provide such information following such assessments.
The right to request an evaluation of their child for an academically or intellectually gifted program or for identification as a child with a disability, as provided in Article 9 of this Chapter. Please consult the Family Handbook for this information.
The right to inspect and purchase public school unit textbooks and other supplementary instructional materials, as provided in Part 3 of Article 8 of this Chapter. Please refer to the School's Policy on Curriculum, Textbooks, Supplementary Materials and Library Materials.
The right to access information relating to the unit's policies for promotion or retention, including high school graduation requirements. Please consult the Family Handbook for this information.
The right to receive student report cards on a regular basis that clearly depict and grade the student's academic performance in each class or course, the student's conduct, and the student's attendance. Please consult the Family Handbook for this information.
The right to access information relating to the State public education system, State standards, report card requirements, attendance requirements, and textbook requirements. Please consult the Family Handbook for this information as well as the Department of Public Instruction.
The right to participate in parent-teacher organizations. This information will be provided directly from the parent-teacher organization.
The right to opt into certain data collection for their child, as provided in Part 5 of this Article and Article 29 of this Chapter. Please consult the Family Handbook for this information
The right for students to participate in protected student information surveys only with parental consent, as provided in Part 5 of this Article. Please consult the Family Handbook for this information.
The right to review all available records of materials their child has borrowed from a school library. Please refer to the School's Policy on Curriculum, Textbooks, Supplementary Materials, and Library Materials.
School Handbooks

This handbook has been prepared for our families of Summit Charter School. Please be sure you familiarize yourself with the school policies, and refer to this handbook throughout the school year for any questions you may have regarding the Summit program.
Family Handbook
Other Policies
Summit Family Association (SFA)
The purpose of the SFA is to enhance and support the educational experience at Summit Charter School, to foster the relationship with our Summit families through communication and inclusion, to improve the environment at Summit Charter School through volunteer and financial support, as well as coordinate and host family-oriented events.
All Summit families are members of the SFA; there is no membership fee. In the Parent Partnership agreement, families joining Summit agree to volunteer a minimum of 36 hours per family. SFA is instrumental in coordinating and hosting a variety of volunteer opportunities at Summit, both inside and outside the classroom including the Back to School Picnic, SummitFest fall festival, Summit's Got Talent production, and the Cinco de Mayo event. SFA is presided over by a Planning Team consisting of an elected executive committee and non-elected Team Chairs and Coordinators.
To contact SFA, email onesummitfamily@gmail.com.
Download SFA Planning Team Job Descriptions
Dress Codes

School Supply List
With your support Summit's aim is to give your child all the tools they need to gain the confidence and skills to excel in life and service their communities.

Climbing Tower Waiver

Climb to the summit at Summit!
The Summit Climbing Tower is a fabulous educational tool and will serve the Summit community for many years to come. Thank you to High Hampton Resort and to all those who helped install this remarkable structure so that our Summit community can enjoy and be challenged by climbing.
Rock climbing and bouldering are ingredients to the larger activity of mountaineering. Typically bouldering and rock climbing are used to reach the summit of a mountain.
Bouldering and rock climbing have each developed into their own sport. Sport climbing is gaining ground as a competitive college and Olympic sport. Climbing is an incredible activity to continue throughout life because it provides so many valuable lessons for physical and mental development. Physically, climbing promotes flexibility, endurance, strength, and coordination. Mentally, climbing develops self-confidence, decision-making, perseverance, and trust.
Hopefully, the climbing experience at Summit will light a flame in all our students to create an active and healthy lifestyle and to take the 7 Virtues vertical! Summit students will have the opportunity to participate in climbing on the wall several times throughout the school year. Students need a signed waiver to be able to participate in Climbing Tower activities.
Summit's Bullying Policy
Summit Charter School believes that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment and does not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student.
Summit's complete policy on bullying is detailed below, as are the pledge against bullying taken by both parents and students and the form to report any incidents of bullying.
AvailabilityTo determine space availability, enrollment preference will be given in the following order: 1. Enrolled Summit Students: Students currently enrolled in Summit Charter School do not need to reapply for admissions on an annual basis. Returning students are given top priority, and families will be issued an Intent to Return form to complete and return to the school during the open enrollment period. 2. Children of Full-time School Employees: Children of full-time Summit employees will be given preference for enrollment when space is available. When no slots are available, or when there are more full-time staff children than spaces available, there will be a staff lottery for that grade level. No more than 15% of the school's total enrollment of children of full-time employees can receive preference. 3. Siblings of Enrolled Summit Students: Siblings of currently enrolled students at Summit will receive preference for enrollment when space is available. When no slots are available or when there are more siblings than spaces available, there will be a sibling lottery for that grade level. The law defines siblings as any of the following who reside in the same household: full-siblings, half-siblings, stepsiblings, and children residing in a family foster home. 4. Opportunity Preference: Any former student enrolled as Summit within the last two academic years but left due to an academic study abroad program, competitive admission residential program, or vocational opportunities of the parents, will receive enrollment preference. 5. Legacy Preference: Siblings of students that completed the eighth grade at Summit and were enrolled at least since fourth grade can receive sibling preference as described above.
Siblings Enrolling at the Same TimeEach family will be offered the choice to either enter all of their children into the lottery with one surname or enter each child separately in the lottery. If the family chooses to enter their children with one surname, they must choose the grade level in which they would like their surname entered. If the surname is pulled during the lottery when there are available spots in the grade level, then all siblings will be admitted immediately if space is available in their respective grade levels. If there is no space available, the remaining siblings will be placed on the waiting list in the order of the admitted sibling’s placement.
Multiple-Birth SiblingsIf multiple birth siblings apply to the school, their surname will be entered once to represent all of the multiple birth siblings. If the multiple birth siblings are in different grades, the parent will be asked to choose the grade in which they would like their surname entered. If that surname is pulled in the lottery, all of the multiple birth siblings will be admitted immediately.
Lottery ProceedingsIn the event a lottery must be held, the Summit Family Association President, the Summit Charter School Board Chairman, the Summit Charter School Director, the Summit Charter School Administrative Officer, and one designated witness shall meet on January 31, or the first day of school following January 31, should that date fall on a Saturday or Sunday. The lottery will be held at 9:30am at the school, and is open to the public. The lottery will begin with the eighth grade and work down to Kindergarten. The parties will designate a “drawer”, and the administrative officer shall act as the recording secretary. The names of the eligible applicants will be folded and placed in a container. The drawer will then draw the names, and the administrative officer shall record the names in the order drawn. Once all available spaces are filled, a waiting list will be established, listing the students in the order drawn as set forth above. This waiting list will be used in the event that a spot opens and the school chooses to fill the vacancy before or during the school year. The Summit Charter School Director will notify each applicant, in writing, of its placement. Each admitted applicant shall accept admission in writing no later than 10 days after notification of admission. If the applicant does not notify the school of its acceptance of admission on or before the 10th day, the applicant will be deemed to have declined admission, and the first child on the waiting list will be offered admission.
Students Applying After Open Enrollment PeriodAny students applying after the open enrollment period will be placed on the wait list directly after any waitlisted students from the lottery in the order the application was received.
Summit Charter School's Right to Refuse EnrollmentSummit Charter School reserves the right to refuse enrollment to any student or family under the following circumstances: The student is currently under a term of expulsion or suspension by his or her school, until that term is over. A parent or guardian willingly and knowingly provided incorrect information on the enrollment application. If a student has accepted enrollment at the school, but does not appear at the school in the first 2 days of school, the school will make reasonable attempts to contact the parents. If there is no response from the parent by the 5th day of school, Summit reserves the right to remove the student from their enrollment roster and offer a position to the next student on the waiting list.
ReenrollmentCurrent students at Summit are invited to return the following year and do not have to go through the initial enrollment proceedings. Current families wishing to reenroll will be given an Intent to Return form to complete and return to the school during the open enrollment period to allow the school to plan appropriately for the lottery.
Waitlisted StudentsStudents residing on the waiting list may be granted enrollment during the school year if space becomes available. Families will be notified of the opening and will have 10 days to accept the position. If the position is declined or no response is received within the 10-day period, the next person on the waiting list will be offered the position. All students on the waiting list may resubmit their application for the next school year. In the event more applications are received than spaces available, a new lottery will be drawn for that particular grade level under the initial admissions proceedings. The new waiting list will go into effect at the conclusion of the current school year.