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Kurt Pusch

MARCH 20, 2020 - An Update from Kurt Pusch on School Closure and Remote Learning

Dear Summit Families, Thank you for all you have done this week to support your children’s learning through this most unprecedented situation. You all are simply amazing, and our team is incredibly grateful for your partnership.

We are continuing to monitor the situation daily with guidance and direction from the state. Yesterday Governor Cooper announced that the statewide school closure will extend beyond March 30. At this time, we do not have confirmation of how long schools will remain closed, but we are preparing for a longer-term scenario. As we have more information, we will continue to keep you informed on what this means for our response and plan to support students and families. Please continue to let us know ways that Summit can best support your family through this time. We will regularly post updates to our website and Facebook page of resources available through our community partners.

As we move forward, supporting our students’ academic and social-emotional learning remains a priority for our team. Our plan for next week is to continue our remote learning program currently in place, with a few adjustments in response to feedback we’ve heard this week:

  • Most importantly, please know that we recognize the challenge that this situation brings on families. Self-care and supporting our children’s health and well-being is more important than anything. We encourage time for rest, breaks, play, and time outside.

  • With this in mind, our faculty is working to make adjustments to remote learning plans to reduce the workload for next week. Expect any updates to be communicated by Monday.

  • We will strive to consolidate and streamline communications. We know that parents and students are receiving a high volume of information, and we want to simplify communications to alleviate this issue as much as possible.

Our office will be open for work dropoff and pickup on Monday from 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Please note the following procedures:

  • Please notify your child’s teacher(s) if you need paper copies.

  • In an effort to maintain social distancing, we will permit 3 parents in the library at a time.

  • Please apply hand sanitizer (we will have available) before coming into the building.

Thank you for your understanding and patience with these precautionary measures. Additionally, in an effort to limit exposure on campus, we will be closing our office Tuesday - Friday next week. Teachers and school administration remain available to students and families. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions, feedback, or needs. Thank you for all you are doing to make the best of this situation. We are so incredibly grateful for your support.

With gratitude,


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