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April 27, 2020 - A Message from Head of School Kurt Pusch and Weekly Bear Express

Kurt Pusch

Dear Summit Families, In this final month of our school year, most extraordinary that it is, we remain poised to finish strong and celebrate the many successes of our students and our Summit family. In setting our course for the year, we certainly did not anticipate our current circumstances. Yet, as a community, we have remained steadfast in our purpose to navigate these challenges together, true to our mission, and drawing on the strengths of Summit that make our school community so special--Strong Parent Partnerships, Whole-Child Learning, and our Seven Virtues.

Through these final weeks of the year, we’ll be looking to share and celebrate the many beautiful moments that reflect these unique strengths of our school and that have defined our year together--from our time together on campus, through our time continuing our students’ learning from home. Please continue to share with us your stories, pictures, and the many unique artifacts of your children’s learning so that we can lift up these moments with our Summit family in celebrating our year together.

To kick-off this season of celebration, next week Summit will be lifting up our Summit spirit through a Virtual Spirit Week! See details in our Weekly Bear Express.

Keeping with the season of celebration, next week (May 4-8) is also Teacher Appreciation Week! We hope you will also take the opportunity to share gratitude with your child’s teachers for all that they continue to do for our children!

We look forward to celebrating our Summit family with you as we finish this year out strong!

With gratitude,


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