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April 24, 2020 - COVID-19 Update: Extended School Closure

Kurt Pusch

Dear Summit Families, In follow-up to my note this morning, I’m writing to update you on the status of Summit’s closure. This afternoon, Governor Cooper announced that the statewide closure of public schools will be extended through the end of the 2019-20 school year. On account of this updated executive order, Summit’s campus will remain closed and we will extend our remote learning program through May 28, the last day of classes for this school year. While we had hoped to conclude our school year back on campus and together as a Summit family, Summit stands with this decision and remains committed to serving our state and country’s effort in protecting the health and welfare of our families and communities. Additionally, in response to the State Board of Education’s newly adopted policy on year-end grading for this year on which I updated you this morning, we are currently finalizing our plans to implement this policy at Summit and will update you by early next week with our plans and procedures in finalizing grades for this school year. Also of note, the State Board of Education has cancelled EOG testing for the 2019-20 school year. AP exams will still be administered in high school following a modified administration. Specific to high school, Mrs. Bennett will be contacting each of our high school students and families to schedule conferences regarding the specific expectations of implementing this grading policy as it pertains to high school graduation credits and college admissions. Looking ahead to the reopening of our campus in our next school year, our team continues to prepare for supporting our students’ return to school in August as well as our readiness for any adaptations in our program that may be necessary as this situation evolves. While we recognize the challenges and limitations of continuing our children’s education through remote learning, I believe that our continued efforts in finishing this school year strong, to the best of our ability, represents an important commitment to uphold with our children. The circumstances of learning have changed, but we should expect that the standards and expectations that our children will face in their readiness for college and life will remain high. I believe this to be true for all of our children, and especially true for our high school students in their final years of preparation for the rigors of college and careers beyond. May we continue to lean into this time as not only lessons in our children’s academic growth, but also lessons in life through which our children will grow in character. Summit remains committed to supporting our students and families, and are incredibly grateful for your support. As I shared in my note this morning… I believe that, more than anything, this experience and the unbelievable response of our parents and teachers will shape our children to be stronger, wiser, and more resilient as people. You all are doing an amazing job. With gratitude, Kurt

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