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Kurt Pusch

APRIL 1, 2020 - Summit Closure Article Corrections

Dear Summit Family, Today, April 1, 2020, the Crossroads Chronicle published a story on Summit's closure. Unfortunately, the information they reported on was from statements the school made nearly three weeks ago. The story reported that field trips would be postponed until May 1. Please note that Summit and all programming, including field trips, continues to be closed until at least May 15. The article reported that school packets are available to be picked up at the school. With the governor's mandatory shelter-in-place order on March 27, Summit's remote learning plan continues to rely on virtual learning through internet or telephone/cell phone communications.

In regards to the internet, I am pleased to share that the Summit Charter School Foundation will be donating internet access for Summit families that cannot afford it, in an effort to support your homebound learning environment. Please contact your principal if this is a need for your family and many thanks to our Foundation board members for their generosity! Please know that we are extremely grateful for the Chronicle's service to the community through their reporting and these are simply factual inaccuracies we must address. Please continue to check your emails regularly and our COVID-19 Information Page for up to date information:

With gratitude,


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