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Kurt Pusch

July 15, 2020 - Summit Reopening Plans and Next Steps

Dear Summit Families, I am writing to update you on the status of Summit’s reopening plans in light of Governor Cooper’s announcement yesterday afternoon, and to share with you our next steps as we finalize our plans at Summit. As shared yesterday, Governor Cooper announced that schools may reopen in August following Plan B procedures and guidelines. Plan B allows for in-person instruction with safety measures and social distancing procedures in place, as outlined in Summit’s current draft of Plan B shared with families last Tuesday, and with the updated requirement of face coverings for all K-12 students and staff when within 6 feet of others. Additionally, under Plan B, families may elect a remote learning option for their student if they are not comfortable returning to campus for on-campus learning. Based on local health metrics, schools may also elect Plan C (remote learning). As I have shared with you before, we continue to be guided by two priorities--protecting the safety and well-being of our students, families, and faculty and ensuring the continued education of our students with integrity to our mission. With these priorities at the forefront, over the next three weeks, our team will take the following steps to finalize our reopening plans as we prepare for the start of the school year at Summit:\

1. Plan B Family Survey | July 15 - 17

Last week we shared Summit’s draft Plans A, B, and C for your review, feedback and questions. Summit’s Plan B is linked below for your reference: As we work to refine and update our plans for returning to school on August 18, we are requesting that every family complete the survey linked below. This is an updated survey specific to Summit’s reopening under Plan B. In this survey, we are seeking your feedback on our school schedule for on-campus learning, and your family’s preference for how your student returns to school--either for on-campus learning or for remote learning. Please complete your survey by Friday, July 17.

2. Updated Plan B | Week of July 20

We will update Summit’s Plan B to reflect feedback from faculty and families shared in surveys and Town Halls over the last two weeks, and further feedback shared this week in light of the Governor’s announcement. Once we have updated our plan, and our Board of Trustees has reviewed and approved of its content, I will share the revised version with all faculty and families.

3. Town Hall Meetings | Week of July 27

Once we have shared our updated plan, we will host a second round of Town Hall meetings to discuss your questions, concerns, and further feedback as we prepare for the plan’s implementation in launching our school year. We will share Town Hall session dates, times, and Zoom access information when we send out our updated plans.

4. Family and Faculty Training | Weeks of August 3 and August 10

To support a successful implementation of our plan, we will put together a training video for all families and students to develop a shared understanding of the priorities, expectations, and procedures of which we will all share responsibility across our Summit family. We will also design our training for faculty and staff to leverage the existing strengths and talent on our team and further develop our shared capabilities and mindset as a team to best execute on our priorities this year and Summit’s larger mission. These steps will lead us into the start of our 2020-21 school year on August 18. It is important that we all understand, however, that this remains and will continue to be a fluid situation. We will refine our plans as needed, and we will be prepared to pivot plans as may be necessary or required to ensure the health and safety of our students, families, and faculty. I will close here with a message I have shared previously, and that I believe to be so incredibly important to our success as a school this year. This next year will be different, but I have full faith that, together, we will ensure Summit continues to be the school that we know and love. We are indeed all in this together as a Summit family. Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions, concerns, or feedback as our team strives to best support our students, families, and faculty in this year ahead. One Summit team. One Summit family.

With gratitude,


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