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Kurt Pusch

July 14, 2020 - Governor Cooper's Update on School Reopening Plans

Dear Summit Families,

This afternoon Governor Cooper announced that schools may reopen in August following Plan B procedures and guidelines. The governor cited recommendations from health officials and continued monitoring of state health metrics in making this determination ( Plan B allows for in-person instruction with safety measures and procedures in place, as outlined in Summit’s current draft of Plan B shared last Tuesday, and with the updated requirement of face coverings for all K-12 students and staff. Additionally, under plan B, families may elect a remote learning option for their students if they are not comfortable returning to campus for in-person learning. Based on local health metrics, schools may also elect Plan C (remote learning). Summit's faculty will meet tomorrow morning to discuss today’s updates, Summit’s reopening plans under Plan B, and our next steps as a faculty and with our families to update our reopening plans to reflect feedback and to support a safe, healthy, and successful start to the school year. Tomorrow afternoon, I will update families with confirmation of Summit’s reopening plans and our next steps as we prepare for the start of the school year. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you for your continued support. With gratitude, Kurt

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